While we were planning the most recent of our microplastic surveys a teacher from Prebendal School in Chichester contacted us to ask whether her class of 3-4 year olds could be involved. “OF COURSE” we said. Eleven youngsters from the school turned up on site having seen some of our images and films about plastic pollution from the Just One Ocean website excited about the prospect of finding microplastics.

We gave them a quick talk about what microplastics were and the harm they can do to the environment before kitting them out with some survey equipment and sending them off to the beach. The enthusiasm and inquisitiveness of the children was amazing and while the survey methodology might have been … shall we say compromised on occasions it really didn’t matter. What was important was that these children were learning about microplastics from a young age. Lets hope we can do something about it before it becomes detrimental to their future.

Going to Share this post on http://www.fairhups.nl were going to do the survey with our doughters as Well. I hope we can motivatie otters to do the same!