Plastic pollution and microplastics in particular are a significant threat to marine ecosystems and human health.

The Big Microplastic Survey is a global project that will use citizen science to gather essential data about microplastics and mesoplastic in rivers, lakes and coastal regions

Get involved!  The project is open to anyone, whether you are an organisation, academic institution, or a concerned individual.  If you have access to a beach, riverbank, lakeside, or coastline you can get involved.

Get involved

“The whole of the eco systems of the world are based on the healthy ocean and if that part of the planet becomes dysfunctional and goes wrong, then the whole of life on this planet will suffer”

Sir David Attenborough

Latest News

Red Sea microplastic surveys

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Report from the Open Ocean Science Centre - Red Sea On World Environment Day, Wednesday 5th June ,13 children aged 7-10 joined forces with the Parry family who were staying at…

Publication of the BMS Methodology Development

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In 2018 we decided to develop a citizen science project that would be able to make a contribution to our knowledge and understanding of microplastics in the ocean. The project…

Big Microplastic Survey in the New Scientist

| Publications, Science, Surveys | No Comments
The Big Microplastic Survey, our global citizen science research project gathering data about microplastics and mesoplastics on coastlines and riverbanks around the world, featured in the New Scientist magazine last week. You…